
According to the report, the worldwide average download speed is 580KBps, which places the U.S. in 26th place at 616KBps. However, provider matters. In a press release, Pando reveals that in the U.S., Verizon customers enjoy average download speeds of 1,056KBps, much higher than the national average, but still only half as swift as the fastest country on the list.

根据报告,全球互联网平均下载速度为 580KBps,美国网速以 616KBps排在第26位。然而,和电信运营商有关,Pando 公司透露,Verizon 公司的客户享受 1056KBps的网速,大大高于美国的平均网速。但是仍然只有网速最快国家的一半。

The top 15 is dominated by Asia, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia, with Eastern Europe making a surprisingly strong showing. Although, according to Ars Technica, this is perhaps not so surprising considering the recent push towards lightening fast broadband in countries like Lithuania (#4 on the list).

网速最快的15个国家主要分布在亚洲,斯堪的那维亚半岛,东欧也显示了令人惊讶的网速。据 Ars Technica 的报告,这些国家例如立陶宛(第四名)近来加强了高速宽带的建设。

As Pando CEO Robert Levitan states in a press release:

The disparities we found were striking. While, in general, developed economies outpaced the developing world in average download speeds, big names such as the US, UK, France, China and Canada were not even close to being the fastest. Instead, we saw high speeds in markets such as Eastern Europe where focus on infrastructural development and favorable geography promote a higher level of connectivity.

Pando 公司 CEO Robert Levitan 说:


Check out the slideshow (below) to find out which countries topped Pando's Global Internet Speed list in 2011. Then, see how Pando's results compare to a separate study on the State of the Internet in 2010 by Akamai Technologies

让我们看看哪15个国家的网速是世界上最快的吧。再和2010年Akamai Technologies 公司的报告对比一下~

#15 挪威  801KBps